
It's normal for natural teeth to become damaged over time. However, modern dentistry has allowed us to use incredible tools and treatments to restore smiles while keeping the natural tooth intact. At Life Dental Care, we use dental crown restorations to transform damaged teeth.

What are dental crowns?

Crowns are dental prosthetics made from various durable materials. They are made to appear like natural teeth, but the hollow inside allows them to fit over teeth like a cap. Dental crowns are used for many reasons, but their primary function is covering and protecting the natural tooth.

Dental crowns can be made from ceramic, resin or porcelain. The material we use will depend on the location of the crown, the type of tooth and your budget. We will discuss the treatment plan and quote with you beforehand.

What are the functions of dental crowns?

Dental crowns cover and protect natural teeth that have been damaged or extracted. After a thorough consultation and examination, we may recommend a dental crown for the following reasons:

  • You have a damaged tooth that has cracked, chipped or fractured
  • You received a large filling and require extra protection
  • You had a missing or extracted tooth and received a dental implant
  • You had a root canal treatment
  • You are receiving a dental bridge

What is the dental crown process?

Our dental crown procedure is simple and can be completed in two visits. First, you will have an initial consultation where we discuss your dental history and examine your mouth and the tooth or teeth in question. After assessing that you are a candidate for a dental crown, we prepare your tooth and take an impression. The impression is used to create your dental crown. Then, a temporary crown is fitted until your permanent crown is ready.

The impression is sent to a specialised dental laboratory that makes restorations. Your restoration will be sent to us and fitted in your second appointment. The time between appointments is approximately 2-3 weeks. We will fit the crown and ensure it is comfortable before permanently fitting it to the natural tooth. You can resume your normal daily activities right away, as there is no recovery time for receiving a dental crown.