
You don't have to settle for a toothless smile that leaves you struggling to cope with daily activities. At Life Dental Care, we provide complete and partial dentures to ensure you can smile, laugh, eat and speak with ease. Our dentures are produced with high-quality materials that maintain the health of your teeth and gums, restoring your confidence and enhancing your appearance.

What are dentures?

Dentures are prosthetic devices that replace a few or all missing teeth. They can be complete or partial and are common for older adults with vulnerable teeth prone to damage and decay. However, dentures can be used for many cases where many or all teeth have been lost. Our dentist will work with you to establish the best treatment for your needs.

Complete dentures are used when all the natural teeth have fallen out or been removed, whereas partial dentures are used when a few natural teeth remain.

Who should get dentures?

Dentures are often associated with older age when our bones and teeth weaken and break down. The result is loose or missing teeth and vulnerable oral health. However, you can get dentures if you experience any of the following:

  • Loose teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Difficult eating and speaking

The dentist will assess your oral health, teeth and gums before making a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

What is the process for receiving dentures?

The procedure to receive dentures will differ depending on if you have partial or complete dentures. The general steps to receiving dentures can take several weeks and appointments, starting with complete measurements of your mouth, jaw and gums. Next, we take several impressions of your mouth to create the dentures. These impressions are sent to a specialised dental laboratory where your dentures will be made.

Once your dentures are ready, they will be fitted in a follow-up appointment, and adjustments will be made if necessary. It's crucial that your dentures fit your mouth perfectly to avoid future discomfort or damage.