
Never stress about the appearance of your teeth again with dental veneers! These are thin shells placed over the front of the teeth to enhance the appearance of your teeth. Due to their shell-like shape, dental veneers are placed on the front-facing teeth. These are ideal for aesthetic concerns such as gaps, staining and irregularities.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin restorations that curve over the front of the tooth and give the appearance of natural teeth. We typically advise veneers for people who have not responded to other treatments, such as orthodontics or teeth whitening, and are looking for a long-term aesthetic solution.

Because of the placement and function of veneers, they are made from tooth-coloured materials such as composite resin, porcelain or ceramic. The material we use will depend on your budget and preferences.

What do dental veneers correct?

The primary function of dental veneers is to hide dental damage and irregularities. This may include any of the following:

  • Gaps or spacing between the teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Short teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Stains and discolouration
  • Chipped teeth

What is the dental veneer process?

The veneer process has two stages, starting with a consultation. First, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and budget before comprehensively examining your teeth. Next, we discuss shape, size and colour to create your perfect veneers. The next step is to prepare your teeth by filing them down and taking impressions. You will receive temporary veneers to wear until your final veneers are ready, which typically takes a few weeks.

In the second appointment, we will place your veneers and discuss the fit, shape and colouring. The dentist will make any necessary adjustments and then permanently bond the veneers to your teeth. There is no recovery time so you can resume your normal activities with your fabulous new smile.