Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are dental treatments often called indirect fillings or partial crowns. They are more stable and long-lasting than fillings and can restore moderate damage to the molars at the back of the mouth. At Life Dental Care, we provide patients with high-quality gold and silver inlays and onlays to restore teeth.

When are inlays and onlays used?

Inlays and onlays cover the top of molar teeth which have sustained damage or decay. They are made to fit the top of the teeth and provide a durable surface to prevent further damage and maintain your bite. Inlays fill the space between the cusps of the teeth, whereas onlays replace the cusps and surface of the teeth.

Why choose gold or silver?

Gold and silver materials have been used for decades in dentistry. They are non-allergenic and give your smile a pop of colour or shine. In addition, gold and silver are more gentle on opposing teeth and require less tooth removal. Our professional dentist will work with you to establish the best option for your case during your initial consultation.

What is the process for receiving inlays and onlays?

After determining whether an inlay or onlay is needed, the dentist will prepare your tooth by removing any bacteria or tissue and gently cleaning your teeth. They will then prepare the tooth with a base to take an impression. Much like crowns, inlays and onlays are made in a dental laboratory. The impression is sent to the lab, which takes 2-3 weeks to create the inlay or onlay. During this time, the dentist will provide a temporary fitting to protect your tooth.

In your follow-up appointment, the dentist will fit the inlay or onlay and make final adjustments before attaching it to your tooth. The fitting will last you for decades, but our team will check all your fittings each time you visit. Should you experience any issues, contact our office immediately for an appointment.