Tooth Extractions

Prevention is our priority with every patient, but sometimes a tooth has suffered too much damage to be saved. In these cases, we perform tooth extractions and fill the gap with a dental fitting such as a crown or bridge.

What is the reason for tooth extraction?

Tooth extractions are often the last resort treatment for decay. In most cases, we will perform a root canal or apply a filling. However, when damage to the tooth is too severe, it needs to be removed.

How are tooth extractions performed?

First, we examine the tooth and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage. After determining that extraction is necessary, we will prepare you for minor oral surgery. You will receive local anaesthesia to make the experience comfortable and pain-free.

Tooth extraction can happen in two ways, depending on how intact the tooth is. During a simple extraction, we gently remove the tooth from the socket. In more complex cases, we cut into the tooth and remove what remains of it and the infected tissue.

Finally, we apply a small piece of gauze to the extraction area to form a blood clot. The healing process can be uncomfortable, but we will advise on medications and methods to help ease your recovery.